Marketing Made Easy
FREE Training
Part 1: Lead Behaviours & Lag Results
Welcome to my 4-part ‘Marketing Made Easy’ training series!
If you’re watching this, then you’re probably a small business owner who knows they need to grow their business and that marketing is the way to attract more clients, but you might feel overwhelmed because you don’t even know where to start with it!
Or, you may be at the very beginning of your business journey and feel like you need to learn the most practical way to get yourself off the ground and making money and if that’s the case, you’re probably feeling a lot of pressure around that.
Either way, I totally get it. I’ve been running my marketing agency for over 5 years now and have had to figure this out for myself, too.
Getting your marketing right is critical to any business,. This is because it underpins everything you do and, if you do it right, I consider marketing to be able to help you make selling easy.
Ironically enough, from my own experience - even having a business degree with a major in marketing does NOT help you with the practical aspects of what you need to know to grow your small business from the ground up, into a profitable, solid business, earning you the money and lifestyle that you want.
So you might be wondering, "What really is the best way to grow my business, and how can I do this as quickly as possible?".
To bring it down to one simple note: you need to sell more.
Now, don’t tell me you’re not a salesperson, you don’t want to be salesy and all of that!
But if you’re in business, you’re in sales, and there’s no way around that. Because if you don’t sell, you don’t make money, and if you don’t make money, you won’t have a business for very much longer.
Fun fact – before starting my marketing business, I was actually IN sales, but my sales strategies were far from the typical hard-nosed salespeople you might know.
My methods made me highly successful in sales before I discovered my real passion, which was marketing. As mentioned earlier, I personally believe that marketing, if done correctly, can actually be seen as sales in advance, because it does all the heavy lifting for you!
Not only that, marketing actually allows you to sell “one to many”, instead of just “one to one”.
Another fun fact about me: I’m also half German, so this level of efficiency is just way too appealing to me!
But let’s just bring it back a little – about sales.
So, as you would probably have noticed with your own buying behaviour… when it comes to making a buying decision that’s worth more than, say, a carton of milk or chocolate, or something of low dollar value, when you don’t necessarily spend ages deciding on what to get. Typically, those types of decisions are made pretty quickly.
With larger purchases, however… for example, I’m guessing your products are services are priced a little higher than milk, but essentially, with those kinds of services there is a higher perceived risk to the buy. And often, there is a delay between when you first start talking to your prospect or when they first learn about the fact that you exist, to when they actually make the decision and buy from you.
There is a whole psychological aspect to this but it would be going a bit to far for me to elaborate on that right now, because all I want you to take away from this right now, is the fact that there’s a delay, and there is also the chance that they may decide to not buy from you at all.
This means that just because you’re talking with one prospect about what you do, you can’t rely on them coming through as a client. So based on that, you need to continue to find prospects to talk to, so that at some point, at least some of them, will become a paying client for you.
This is usually explained as a funnel – wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, demonstrating that more prospects go into the top of the funnel, than what come out in the end as paying customers. This is just the nature of the beast in sales.
So, how do you keep adding prospects to your funnel when you’re a busy business owner, caught up in the daily grind of delivering your products or services to your existing clients?
This is the tricky bit.
Essentially, you know where you need to go in your business and what you’re looking to achieve. You probably have your own goals for the business. That’s what we call a ‘lag’ measure. It’s the delayed result of your previous work.
Before you can achieve the Lag Result, however, you need to consistently do certain things to ensure your funnel stays full and enough sales come through to get to your goal.
These consistent tasks we need to complete are what we call “lead behaviours” and basically, with a lead indicator you know that if you do that thing over and over again, you’ll achieve your lag result, your goal.
Let’s say I want to find 5 new clients, just as an example.
I know that if I talk to 10 prospects, that about 8 of them will end up asking me to provide a proposal on our services, and approximately 5 of those will become paying clients over the next few months.
The question becomes: How do I find those 10 prospects in the first place? What is the daily activity that I need to do to find them?
Do I need to post more on social media? Connect with more people on LinkedIn? Run more ads? Send out another newsletter?
What is the daily thing? That’s what you need to think about.
What are you currently doing that’s working well in getting sales in?
Marketing definitely helps with this, however as you might have already realised, marketing is super broad and CAN get a bit complicated, it is a bit of a science.
You need to really find what will work best for you and your business.
If you’re worried about where to find the time to do what you need to do for your marketing activities or are feeling overwhelmed at all the marketing options out there – don’t worry, I’ll be showing you only processes that will really move the needle for you in your business.
In the next training video, we’ll be talking about what exactly marketing is and how you can find and leverage the most effective strategies for your business to attract more clients.
I’m a bit of a nerd when it comes to this stuff, so I’m really excited to take you through it.
So, if you have any questions at all about what we covered today, please feel free to send me an email, I’m always happy to help where I can!
See you in the next video!