Marketing Made Easy
FREE Training
How to grow your business by implementing the right marketing strategies.
Part 3: The Law of Reciprocity
Welcome to Part 3 of my free “Marketing Made Easy” training series!
I’m so excited you’re here because today you’ll learn the, in my opinion, most important key to creating masses of goodwill and, inadvertently, attract your ideal clients to your business, almost magnetically!
Ok, so just to recap: In part 1 of this series we spoke about the lead behaviours that lead to the lag results, ie the goals you’re looking to achieve to grow your business.
In part 2, we discussed that in order to know that you’re doing the RIGHT kind of lead behaviours that will yield the results you’re after, you need to employ direct response marketing strategies.
If you haven’t watched parts 1 and 2 of this training series yet, I highly recommend you do that before continuing here.
As the owner of a marketing agency, I’ve seen so many business owners struggle with effective content creation. And in the beginning, even I had to figure out a common-sense way to promote my business to my market and attract new clients.
Having been through the hard yards myself and having built up my business to what it is today, I’ve now made it my mission to help as many small business owners as I can, get through the trenches of building up to be a profitable business, generating the income that they want for themselves.
For me, I’m not interested in big corporations – even in my agency we specialise in small to medium sized businesses, because we love the impact we can make for them there and I’m so grateful that I get to deal with such awesome people every single day!
Now, I know that you’re probably thinking “Doreen, this is all good and well, but it seems like a LOT of work, where to I even start with all this marketing stuff? There’s social media, email marketing, websites, SEO, social media advertising…. It’s just too much!”
Don’t worry. As always, my goal is to make this as simple for you as possible.
The good news is: You don’t need to do “all the things”.
The not so good news is: You do need to do something!
You essentially want to communicate and demonstrate to our target market, that you’re the right fit for them to buy from, when they’re ready. The “when they’re ready” is also key here.
So, to start with, you need to know exactly who your target market is and where you might find them. Are they on social media? If so, which platforms? Are they in your street? Or do you perhaps already have a list of customers and prospects that you haven’t thought about in a while?
As you might remember, the 3 M’s of Marketing are Message, Media and Market. I like to start backwards: Understand who your market is, then make sure your message is relevant to THEM and speaks their language. Then find the way to communicate that message to them.
Once you know who your market is, think about what they need to know, that would really help solve their problem.
This brings us to the magic bullet, if you will: you need to provide VALUE as a starting point. Don’t ask for the sale right off the bat, add value, first.
Value is literally everything! By providing valuable information to your prospects before they even buy from you, you raise your credibility in their eyes and become their advisor. They get to know you, like you, and trust that they are in the right hands with you.
This means, that when the day comes that they’re ready to buy, you’ll be the one they come to, because they know you’re the best choice for them.
Now, I know you might be thinking that it seems like you’ll be giving away a lot of your secrets without getting paid for them, and I’m here to tell you that it’s totally normal to think that way. This kind of thinking puts you in the same category as the average business, however.
The Law of Reciprocity is one of the basic laws of psychology. It states that most people feel compelled to give back in some way, if they are given something. For example, if you do someone a favour, they’ll be compelled to repay your by doing you a favour.
So, in your marketing activities, whether you’re writing an email newsletter or posting on social media, if you come from a place of service, abundance and in general “I want to help you succeed” – this will draw your people to you like no tomorrow!
Then, when you actually make an offer for people to do business with you, those who are ready will reach out to you.
If you have any doubts about this, don’t. It absolutely works 100%!
I’m going to use myself and what I do, as an example here for you.
In the first video of this series I mentioned in an example that when I speak to a prospect, I have 8 out of 10 ask for a proposal. That number is actually pretty much 10 out of 10, and my overall closing rate is probably around 70-80%. That’s quite high but it’s real. And the thing is, in my “sales calls”, if you want to call them that, I only talk about what the client needs. And I’ll provide a lot of detail as to which marketing strategies would work.
My goal in those calls, is to literally give them as much information and knowledge as I can, which they could really just take and implement themselves. But then they usually always ask if we can do it for them.
Now I’m not here to tell you that I want my agency to do this for you! Absolutely not! I’m doing this because I want you to be able to do all of this yourself!
This is just an example of how the law of reciprocity works and will work for you in your business, too.
If you start focusing on helping your prospects with valuable information, rather than selling to them, they will automatically be drawn to you. Obviously, you need to occasionally throw in a call to action to give them the opportunity to reach out if they’re ready, however the ratio should be around 75% value vs 25% sales.
Honestly, don’t be afraid to give, it always comes back to you in spades!
My challenge to you is to do this consistently for 60-90 days in whatever marketing activities you choose to do, and then come back and tell me about your results. I am willing to guarantee you that things will look very different for you in your business!
So, I’m pretty sure I’ve given you plenty to think about here… And maybe your brain is overflowing with ideas right now, which I really hope it is!
But you may also be wondering if there’s a way to create a \ simple, structured plan around all of this, where you can just about automate your marketing activities and my answer to that is an absolutely resounding YES!
In the next part of this training series, I’m going to walk you through the special framework that I developed over the years of running my own business and planning and implementing not only our own marketing strategies, but also those of our clients.
This is a systematic, multi-faceted approach to creating a holistic, integrated marketing plan for your business. Once you’ve gone through the process, you’ll have so much more clarity around what will make the most sense for you to do in your business’ marketing, and how to get it all done without making marketing your fulltime job!
I mean, is important, but as a business owner, you’ve also got other very important things on your plate. So I’ll be helping to find a way to take a balanced, common-sensical approach to this.
Thank you so much once again for your attention. If you have any questions at all about anything that I’ve covered for you so far, please don’t hesitate to reach out, I’ll be more than happy to clarify anything.
Also, if you know anybody that would benefit from going through this training as well, please do share it with them. Who knows, you might end up changing someone’s life with it!
I’m really excited, and I can’t wait to introduce you to my 5D Framework in the final instalment of this free training!
Have a great day and ciao for now! 😊